Street photography from here and there -- in town and on rural roads

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Just a Few

Here are a few random photographs from northcentral Pennsylvania, taken with nothing in mind other than getting interesting photos that beg for a closer look to see all that’s in this small corner of the world.

A hot summer day’s a good day for a bath, but not in this tub –

A barn’s main beam with a nice joint –

Anybody for a game of chess or checker?

Well the tires have air, but it looks like something’s missing –

Speaking of missing, looks like something’s missing here –

A strange denizen of our streets, but I don’t think it presents a danger to anyone or anything –

A parade on the way to the parade –

In the coop – ladies first though this door –

Don’t let go, that glass is expensive –

At the gas station – a 1931 Ford roadster better than new –

Some of what there is to see when I take a look, it’s even better when I take a good look.